Psaki says it’s a ‘good thing’ Trump urged supporters to get vaccinated


  • Psaki said it was a “good thing” that Trump urged his supporters to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • Trump was booed by his supporters for recommending the vaccine at a rally in Alabama on Saturday.
  • Psaki said the Biden administration “will take anyone with a big platform” to urge vaccination.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said it was a “good thing” that former President Donald Trump urged his supporters to get vaccinated against COVID-19 at a rally on Saturday in Alabama, which has the lowest rate of fully immunized residents in the country.

“We will take anyone who has a big platform out there and wants to encourage people to get vaccinated… that’s a good thing,” Psaki told reporters at a press briefing on Monday. “We understand that some of the people who are not yet vaccinated are not people who might have Biden-Harris stickers on their cars, and that’s okay.”

Trump was booed for praising the vaccines at his rally.

“I totally believe in your freedoms, yes you have to do what you have to do. But I recommend that you get the vaccine,” Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. “But I recommend: take the vaccines. I did. That’s good. Take the vaccines.”

Psaki said the boos from Trump supporters are just proof that the administration has “more work to do” to educate and persuade those who are skeptical about vaccines.

“It’s just a recognition, how very clear-headed we are, that there are still people who are skeptical in the country,” Psaki said. “There are still people who, whether because of misinformation or a series of factors, are not yet getting vaccinated, even though it could save their lives. This means that we still have work to do. do and we are committed to doing it exactly. ”

Trump’s message on the vaccine has been mixed. He and former first lady Melania Trump were secretly vaccinated at the White House in January, and he has done very little to publicly promote the beatings. He told Fox Business last week that he believed the FDA-approved booster injections were a way for drug companies to make money, suggesting without evidence that the injections were medically unnecessary. But he always took credit for the development of vaccines under his administration.

The former president held his “Save America” ​​rally, attended by around 30,000 largely mask-less fans, in Cullman after the city declared a state of emergency last Thursday due to the surge in cases of COVID-19.

On Monday, the FDA granted full approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for those 16 and older – a milestone that Psaki says hopes the administration will encourage more Americans to get vaccinated.


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