‘PUBG Mobile’ update adds standalone Tesla Model Y


PUBG Mobile probably isn’t the first game you’d expect to have something to do with an electric vehicle, but it’s here all the same. Krafton and Tencent Games have rolled out a 1.5 update for the phone-focused shooter that includes a series of not-so-subtle takes for Tesla and its cars. Most notably, you can find a Model Y on Erangel that can drive itself when you engage autopilot mode on the highway, not that far from true autopilot mode.

You’ll also find a Gigafactory on Erangel where you can build the Model Y by flipping switches, and self-contained semi-trailers roam the map dropping Supply crates when you damage vehicles. No, despite the pictures, you can’t drive a Cybertruck or Roadster (not yet, at least).

The additions are part of a larger “tech transformation” for Erangel that includes a redesign of buildings and new equipment, including an anti-gravity motorcycle.

As is often the case, you shouldn’t expect these updates on a regular basis. PUBG – battle royale brawler for consoles and PC has a more realistic feel. the PUBG Mobile The update is really a not-so-subtle way for Tesla to advertise its EVs in countries where it doesn’t already have strong word-of-mouth working in its favor.

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