SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Gas & Electric, a northern California electricity supplier, has announced that it will not award $ 130 million in payroll bonuses because of its recent bankruptcy filing. reported a newspaper Saturday.
Acting chief executive, John Simon, on Friday referred to the deadly fires and precarious financial state of California in an internal email sent to workers, the San Francisco Chronicle announced. The company's senior management and board of directors supported this decision, he said.
"The more I recoiled and reflected on the impacts of forest fires on so many outside our society, no matter what their fault, the more I thought that paying (performance bonuses) in 2018 was not the right thing to do. to do, "said Simon said in the email.
PG & E has already announced that it will not award bonuses to leaders this year.
Employee bonuses were for 2018 performance and were to be announced next month. Some 14,000 employees were eligible.
"We are very upset," said John Mader, president of the Engineers and Scientists of California. I simply do not see how it is constructive to confiscate the compensation of employees, especially those who are trying to prevent this kind of tragedy. "
Mader, whose union represents 3,700 engineers and scientists, said it was unfair to punish workers who had nothing to do with the company 's finances and who were not responsible for forest fires.
Consumer Watchdog President Jamie Court supported the decision, but said it should have been announced sooner.
"I think it's only a crisis management," he said. "Clearly, it's the right decision, but it should have been done in the first place, not after a public shame."
Last month, PG & E filed for bankruptcy, claiming a $ 30 billion liability.
Information from: San Francisco Chronicle, http://www.sfgate.com
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