Pyra and Mythra figures featured in Sakurai’s Smash presentation are up for pre-order


Pyra MythraGood smile

Update: It appears that stock is now completely depleted in Good Smile’s US and international online stores. You can find a list of stores that carry Good Smile products here if you want to try your luck with a local dealer.

Original article: No doubt thanks to the arrival of the characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the superb Pyra and Mythra figures from Good Smile are being re-released.

Both figures, which were featured by Smash series director Masahiro Sakurai in his latest presentation, are expected to ship in October 2022. Pre-orders for both are open as orders close next month.

US buyers can type Pyra here and Mythra here – both figures cost $ 192.99. International buyers can head here and here.

If they’re from Sakurai’s personal collection, they must be pretty awesome, right?

Do you think you’ll treat yourself to one (or both) of these? Let us know with a comment below.


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