QAnon congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene refuses to wear a mask during congressional swearing-in


New Georgian MP backing QAnon Marjorie Taylor Greene caused a ruckus on Sunday during the swearing-in of the new Congress when she refused to wear a mask despite requests from House staff, according to Jake Sherman of Politico. “2 new Republicans – including. @ Mtgreenee – being told by House staff to put on their masks. from now on, they seem to tell the floor staff that they won’t put it on. Taylor Greene leaves the floor with the other R, who was trying to identify, ”Sherman tweeted. He noted that Trump ally Louie Gohmert (R-TX) – who pushed to overturn the presidential election result – was also standing unmasked on the House floor. After Greene’s refusal to hide, Republican and Democratic staff embarked on “a game screaming on the floor.” So this congress is already going very well, ” Sherman tweeted.

The ceremony takes place amid a drastic increase in COVID-19 cases across the country. Several members of the House have been in quarantine due to exposure to COVID and participated in the swearing-in and voting for the president from “secure” plexiglass enclosures, according to Capitol Hill physician Brian Monahan.


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