Queen’s Brian May attacks Clapton, anti-vaxxers and ‘misinformation’


Queen guitarist Brian May gave a bizarre interview in which he lamented that it had become “impossible” to go against “the herd” before criticizing Eric Clapton and the “anti-vaccines” and saying that ‘he doesn’t “want people to spread misinformation.”

May, 74, tried to soften the blow against Clapton, 76, first telling ex-newspaper The Independent: “I love Eric Clapton, he’s my hero” – but he immediately added that “he has very different opinions from me in many ways. He’s a person who thinks it’s okay to shoot animals for fun, so we have our disagreements, but I would never stop respecting the man.

“Anti-vaccines, I’m sorry, I think they’re fruit cakes. There is a lot of evidence to show that vaccination helps. Overall they have been very safe. There will always be side effects in any medicine you take, but to say that the vaccines are a plot to kill you, I’m sorry, that goes in the jar of fruit cake for me, ”May added.

Clapton, widely regarded as one of the greatest guitarists of all time, was “doubly stung” with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, but claims to have suffered “severe reactions” to his first dose and “disastrous” side effects after his second dose, which left his’ hands and feet [feeling] either frozen, numb or scorching, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I was worried that I would never play again ”.

Clapton has also vowed that he will not perform at any concert where vaccine passports are a requirement of entry – what he describes as “a discriminated audience.”

According to The Independent, May “[shook] his head at the mention of Ian Brown and Eric Clapton refusing to play shows with Covid restrictions and questioning vaccine safety. “

Oddly enough, May complained elsewhere in her interview with Independent about “group thinking,” saying that “having a point of view and expressing it has become impossible. If you don’t accept the herd’s point of view, you are vilified and bankrupt. I find it very, very unhealthy.

This sentiment seems at odds not only with his attacks on “anti-vax people,” but with another tangent insult against people with alternate views of little real-world impact on moon landings and the shape of the Earth.

“I don’t really want people spreading misinformation, especially if my kids pick it up, or my grandchildren,” May said angrily: “Was it all done in a Hollywood studio? Bulls *** .

He was also very critical of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, alleging that “hundreds if not thousands of our loved ones have died because of bad advice and because of the bad decisions Boris made with him. [former Health Secretary Matt] Hancock and these other people.

“If he had taken the precautions to close the borders a year earlier, we would not have been in the situation we were,” said May.

“And the fact that he’s willing to trade lives openly enough for economic gain, I find horrible… completely unacceptable.”

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