Quentin Tarantino asks the public of Cannes not to spoil Once upon a time in Hollywood



The last time Quentin Tarantino made a film about a famous historical event, he rewrote the story. Can he do the same thing with the set of 1969? Once upon a time in Hollywood? The original story follows Rick Dalton, an aging Western TV star (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his easy-going stuntman, Cliff (Brad Pitt) while they have trouble navigating in a changing Hollywood, but their story is also confused with that of Sharon Tate of then "it girl", interpreted by Margot Robbie. Tate was brutally murdered in the summer of 1969 (when the movie took place) and Tarantino wrote an open letter asking the Cannes Film Festival audience not to spoil the movie's surprises for those who will not see it before two month.

Effectively, Once upon a time in Hollywood will have its world premiere in Cannes this week, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Tarantino's participation in pulp Fiction won the Golden Palm at the same festival and launched a serious rewards campaign. But Tarantino published an open letter asking the Cannes public to keep his mother:

I like the cinema. You like the cinema. It's the journey of discovering a story for the first time.

I am delighted to be here in Cannes to share Once upon a time … in Hollywood with the festival audience. The actors and the technical team have worked so hard to create something original, and I just ask everyone to avoid revealing anything that would prevent subsequent viewers from experiencing the film in the same way.

once upon a time at Hollywood brad-pitt

Image via Sony Pictures

Tarantino famously repeated the end of Adolf Hitler in Basterds without glory, in graphical mode, and it worked very well. Could it change the great historical events of Hollywood? What other reason could there be for asking not to reveal "spoilers" on an original movie in Hollywood? Will Sharon Tate survive? Will Rick and Cliff come to the rescue against members of the Manson cult – which he is confirmed to appear in the film?

Or maybe Tarantino just wants to experience the audience Once upon a time in Hollywood as fresh as possible, which is right. A similar spoiler warning could have been issued for The Hateful Eight, which has its own major twist at the end of the film, and the culture of spoilers has become even heavier since this movie was released in theaters.

Anyway, I remain impatient to see what Once upon a time in Hollywood We reserve (friendly reminder that Tarantino has not yet made a bad film) and hopes that the public Cannes will remain faithful to his wishes.

See Tarantino's letter below.


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