R. Kelly ignored the trial of the accuser because he can not read: the lawyers


CHICAGO – R. Kelly spent much of Wednesday's day in court, his lawyer telling a judge that the singer had not responded to a complaint filed by one of his sexual abuse accusers because he was illiterate and Kelly was paying $ 62,000 in child support at a second hearing.

At the first hearing, Justice Moira Johnson overturned her default judgment against Kelly after the singer failed to respond to a lawsuit brought by one of the four women accused of Have sexually abused. Johnson reinstated the lawsuit after one of Kelly's lawyers explained that the singer was in jail when he received the lawsuit documents and that Kelly did not answer because he could not read.

The second hearing, on child support, comes a few weeks after the judge in this case sentenced Kelly to jail time after contempt for failing to pay $ 161,000 in child support to his ex-wife, who is his mother. three children. Kelly remained locked up for three days until he raised child support at the back.

"It's not an impetuous father," Kelly's lawyer Lisa Damico told reporters after Wednesday's hearing, the Chicago Sun-Times announced. "All he wants is to act properly with his children."

Kelly 's bookings for the performances began to dry up after the broadcast of the television documentary "Survive R. Kelly", a few weeks before his arrest in February, accusing him of sexually abusing his life. a woman and three girls for about ten years beginning in the late 1990s. But on Tuesday, one of his lawyers told reporters that he was organizing concerts for R & B singer rewarded by a Grammy Award in Illinois and outside the state, and that it provided that the judge approves travel requests to make these appearances.

Kelly pleaded not guilty to the charges of sexual abuse and denied any wrongdoing.


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