Radiohead releases pirated recordings instead of paying $ 150,000 ransom


Radiohead said Tuesday in an article posted on Facebook that hackers stole archived recordings last week and threatened to release them unless the group paid a ransom of $ 150,000.

Instead of paying the ransom, however, the group has now released archived recordings on Bandcamp, a music platform on which artists can download their music and set their own prices. The band even gives fans the opportunity to pay more than the price set by the artist.

Radiohead has set a price of £ 18 – about $ 23 – for the 18-hour archive recorded on Bandcamp, which dates from the time of the album "OK Computer" of 1997, written in the Facebook message of the first guitarist, Jonny Greenwood. spotted by Fortune.

The recordings will be available on Bandcamp for 18 days, and Greenwood said the fans can decide for themselves whether the band should have paid the ransom. The product of the Bandcamp publication will go to Extinction Rebellion, an organization that tackles climate change, Greenwood said.

Greenwood said the recordings were "never intended for public consumption", and it downplayed the importance of these recordings.

"It's only tangentially interesting, and very, very long, not a phone download," Greenwood wrote. "Rainy out, is not it?"

The position has already received thousands of reactions and comments in support of the group's decision not to pay ransom.

"A blessing in disguise!" a fan wrote. "Hi to the thief."


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