Rage 2 is already reduced for all platforms – Game Rant


Yesterday marked the official Rage 2 release date, and the opinions on Avalanche Studios and the new open-world shooting game of id Software have so far not been so stellar. Indeed, many of the products currently available Rage 2 critics have praised the title for his rifle play while challenging his world and his story. For some, these mediocre reviews may have been enough to convince them not to buy the game, but an invitation Rage 2 A shed could help these players to turn in the opposite direction.

More precisely, this news Rage 2 The discount, which comes just a day after the game's release, is available from Walmart and saves $ 10 off the retail price. This 17% price reduction applies to the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Rage 2, giving players of all game launch platforms access to the title at a price of $ 49.94.

Although not a certainty, this expedient Rage 2 may suggest that the initial sales of the title fell below the expectations of the game's publisher, Bethesda. Perhaps the lukewarm reception that the title has received so far has really had an impact on the general interest for Rage 2, or maybe that interest was relatively small at first. Admittedly, the previous entry in the franchise had generated a similar average response, and some players might just not be interested in giving the series another shot.

rabies 2 reduction

That said, a number of comments were complementary to the Rage 2 gameplay, with some even comparing it to that of 2016 CONDEMN. Many players have undoubtedly found a lot to like in CONDEMNAction and comparison, combined with this reduction, might be enough to convince those who know Rage 2 bite the ball and pick up the game.

Of note, there is currently no indication of when the Walmart rebate on Rage 2 will end, so players interested in savings may want to act quickly on this agreement. Unfortunately, these players will not have access to the Rage 2 BFG, one of the pre-order bonuses of the game, but some will certainly find a saving of $ 10 better than this special weapon.

Rage 2 is available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: Walmart


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