Random: Complete a survey about your animal breeding habits for a chance to win a Switch game


Anyone who has been to college will likely remember their final plans as a time of tremendous stress and a lot of book reading, in a frantic attempt to prove the thesis you launched months in advance. . Turns out we could have studied Animal Crossing, like final-year psychology student Sam Davern doing his last study on player psychology from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s you!

Specifically, Sam wants to know if there is a correlation between the behavior of the players in the game and their personality types, and the way he understands that is to have you list your various Nook Miles accomplishments and then build a personality. fast. test. Maybe you love people more than art, so do you have a lot of Nook Miles’ accomplishments to do with visiting other islands or bonding with your villagers? I guess we won’t know until the investigation is complete.

It's time to find out if we're secretly psychopaths!
It’s time to find out if we’re secretly psychopaths! (Image: Sam Davern)

At the end of the survey, you will get a detailed report on your personality and player type, which can give you useful information about how you interact with the world and with the games.

It’s a completely anonymous survey, of course, and it’s even been approved by the UCC Ethics Board, so you don’t have to worry about how your in-game stats might come back to haunt you. However, Sam points out that “there has been very little research into the psychology of games outside of the usual ‘do video games make people more violent” and there has hardly been any research into social simulation games, “so if the study gets a load of participants, it could very well end up in a scientific journal. Exciting!

The survey is live now at animalcrossingsurvey.com, and anyone interested can also register at the end to enter a raffle for a Switch game of your choice.


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