Random: Flip Grip Inventor creates the "new Nintendo DS switch"


New Nintendo Switch DS

Shmup fans will no doubt remember the Flip Grip handle, a vertical grip accessory designed for the Switch and launched on Kickstarter in June of last year. The product made TATE-compatible games a joy to play absolutely. At the end of last month, the engineer behind this creation – Mike "Mechachoi" Choi – also proposed a more version "useless"creation, as he says, allowing switch owners to connect two systems together.

A few weeks later, he invented the "New Nintendo Switch DS", combining two Switch units to create Something this seems to be a big successor to the 3DS. If the name has not already revealed, it is only a creative concept. See for yourself in Mike's video demonstration featuring The legend of Zelda: the breath of nature:

If you have not seen Mike's more serious work yet, do not miss our Flip Grip review. For only $ 12, this is an easy recommendation for shmup fans.

What do you think of the new Nintendo Switch DS? Do you like this idea? Would you like Nintendo to continue to play two screens in the future? Have you ever tried Flip Grip? Tell us below.


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