Random: Sakurai finally seems to take a break from Smash Bros. development, with PS5


Masahiro sakurai

The final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate The Fighter DLC will premiere next week, October 5th. So how has game director Masahiro Sakurai killed time so far? With the PlayStation 5, of course!

No, really – in his last social media post on Twitter, he shared an image of a PS5 DualSense wireless controller. According to Google’s translation, it upgraded to a 2TB SSD after Sony’s recent firmware update for the system.

If you know Sakurai’s love for the game, it’s obviously not surprising to see him with a PS5. We’ve already seen its vast library of video game systems in some of the Smash Bros. combat reveal layouts. and he has a whole collection of them:

A photo of Sakurai's setup in 2020. Imagine it with a PS5 now ...
A photo of Sakurai’s setup in 2020. Imagine it with a PS5 now …

It was also documented how he played 242 PlayStation games in 2019. Wow !

While most fans think it’s just Sakurai sharing an update on what he’s been up to recently, as usual there are fans reading this – maybe a little too much.

Some of the speculation based on this tweet seems to suggest that the final fighter will be a PlayStation representative – and some comments go further, referring to Crash Bandicoot. Others seem to be joking that “PlayStation” and “SSD” are confirmed for battle.

Heck, as far as we know, he might be teasing a sequel to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

Are you happy to see that Sakurai is finally taking some time in the development of Smash Bros. ? Do you think the tweet above teases anything? Share your own thoughts below.


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