Random: The former production director of Epic Games explains how he has "tried to cancel" Fortnite



What would the game look like now if the incredibly popular Battle Royale game Fortnite did not exist? This is obviously something we will never know, but if the former Epic Games production manager, Rod Fergusson, had succeeded, we might have discovered it.

In a recent interview on the Game Informer Show podcast at E3 2019, Fergusson – who is now at the head of The Coalition (the developer behind the Armament of war (series)) – explains how he "tried to cancel" Fortnite before his departure from Epic and revealed that the free game did not meet his criteria.

"If I stayed at Epic, I would have canceled Fortnite.Before leaving, I tried to cancel Fortnite.When it was Save the World, it was a project that posed some problems.

"As a director of production at the time, this game would not have exceeded my bar for something we should have continued to continue"

Fergusson says he has not lost sleep over the success of the game and also assured Game Informer that he was "super happy" for Epic.

Do you play Fortnite? Are you happy to learn that it has not been defeated? Tell us in the comments.


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