Random: Waluigi “invites himself” to Super Smash Bros. in this emotional fan-made trailer


Image: King Bob Gaming

Believe it or not, but there is only one slot left to complete the second Fighters Pass for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Game Director Masahiro Sakurai also reiterated how this really will be the last character to join the battle.

While it’s still unclear who exactly the final fighter will be, there are obviously plenty of players hoping to see a Waluigi turn out. While there’s absolutely no guarantee that something like this will necessarily happen, it hasn’t stopped fans from imagining what adding Waluigi to the game’s roster might look like.

We’ve even seen mods like Project M (based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl) go so far as to add Waluigi as a playable character, and now the King Bob Gaming YouTube channel takes it one step further with a rather touching trailer for Waluigi, who ultimately decides to invite himself into battle …


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