Randy Pitchford's Gearbox situation continues to grow


Borderlands developer Transmission software has a problem: its CEO, Randy Pitchford, who continues to get confused and confuse society in a strange controversy. The developer, who has not been scandalized, once again found himself in the eyes of critics and angry fans, and every mistake can be quickly and easily traced back to Pitchford.

For those who did not know the last headache that Pitchford himself had created, before his last mess, Pitchford was preparing the public and the media for what was going to happen, after launching a tantrum on Twitter about Borderlands 3. Almost immediately afterwards, we learned that the actor Borderlands"Claptrap, former Gearbox executive David Eddings, would not come back if Gearbox had refused to pay him for the role, even as he had left the company. In itself, that would not have snowballed into the problem it is now, but Pitchford has once again resorted to Twitter to taunt Eddings, calling him "bitter and displeased."

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Of course, Eddings was offended and told Pitchford that he apparently had a heavy bonus from the Gearbox royalty money. Now, Eddings said in a Newsweek interview the CEO of Gearbox "pulled rage" him on his knowledge of the potential sale of the company. He also referred to his previous account of Pitchford's assassination at the GDC 2017, an event that Eddings organizes is what motivated his eventual dismissal, declaring "He jostled the f ** k out of me while I'm on the floor trying to whisper. [He] I've spilled four steps back … I think I took it into a trickery. "

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In addition, Eddings says his request can be confirmed by one of the co-op's two witnesses, Gearbox co-founder Landon Montgomery. Montgomery corroborates the allegation of aggression by saying: "David is bent over to whisper something to Randy and unexpectedly, Randy pushes him violently." Eddings also offered screenshots of a Snapchat message tirade received from Pitchford after the incident, the CEO having requested, "Who are you faithful to?" and mocking that Eddings & # 39; "Priorities are completely defined." So far, Pitchford has not responded to these allegations, but Gearbox has responded to the changing situation by the following:

"Gearbox takes all claims of this nature very seriously and we will refrain from commenting on the charges. [David Eddings] done because it's a matter of personnel. We think it is unfortunate that the 400 employees and more who have invested this love and passion in Borderlands 3 have their work diluted by personal allegations. "

Be reassured, however, Pitchford has not finished "giving a hand" to that of a leader, even if all the fingers point out to him that he is wrong in all respects. Regardless of what happens in Pitchford's life, it's unfortunate that the only possible losers are Gearbox employees if Pitchford's personal vendetta negatively impacts sales by Pitchford. Borderlands 3.

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Source: Newsweek

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