Ratcliffe: Biden so anxious to prove Trump wrong, he’ll prove him right


Former National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe said Thursday President Biden seemed so focused on trying to prove President Trump wrong on multiple accounts, including Middle East foreign policy, that it could backfire against him.

Ratcliffe told host Trey Gowdy on “Fox News Primetime” that foreign policy is a specific area in which Biden and his administration have essentially taken the exact opposite tact from Trump during his presidency.

“The Biden administration seems so determined to prove Trump wrong that they are going to vindicate him in the name of national security, literally snatching defeat from the jaws of victory,” he said.

“We enjoy peace in the Middle East because Iran is poorer, weaker and less influential than it has been for decades and no one can argue otherwise with a straight face, and that is because we withdrew from the JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal) and implemented sanctions that have put the Iranian regime on the verge of real problems and prevent them from engaging in the kind of chaos across the Middle – East which allowed peace agreements, peace agreements to advance.

“The [Biden administration] wants to go in the opposite direction. “

Ratcliffe said most countries in the Middle East, such as those involved in Trump’s Abraham Accords, do not want to see the Iran nuclear deal rediscovered or strengthened.

The only countries favorable to Biden-Kerry tact on this front appear to be Russia and China, he advised.

“Why would the Biden administration listen to them and move forward on this? It’s puzzling. But it puts national security at risk. I hope they back down.”


Regarding another key region of the world, Gowdy pointed out how Biden has said in the past that China “is not bad people” and “is not going to eat. [America’s] lunch.”

However, after a February call with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Biden appeared to reverse the scenario and say that if the United States “doesn’t budge, they’re going to eat our lunch,” Gowdy added.

Biden and Xi are scheduled to meet in Anchorage on March 18.

Ratcliffe said he could already consider the formal “reading” of the next meeting between the two leaders, noting that he will say they have discussed trade, intellectual property theft and other issues.


Ratcliffe said if he was president he wouldn’t move on until he got a strong commitment from Beijing on full transparency regarding the outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan province and other related responses. .

“The problem is, the rhetoric on China has been good enough. But the actions haven’t substantiated it. Our concern is that we don’t get the answers if they don’t keep our foot on the gas,” he said. he says.


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