Ray Fisher slams WarnerMedia’s Ann Sarnoff after ‘Justice League’ comments – Deadline


Actor Ray Fisher has been pretty happy lately on social media, promoting the HBO Max feature. Justice League by Zack Snyder Cut.

However, that changed tonight as he took aim at WarnerMedia Studios CEO Ann Sarnoff about her recent statements in a Variety interview about the studio’s investigation into Joss Whedon’s alleged misconduct during the production of the DC film four years ago.

Sarnoff was requested by Variety‘s Brent Lang whether the studio’s investigation into Whedon corroborated any of Fisher’s allegations of racism on behalf of studio workers. Fisher made his first social media accusations against Whedon last July, accusing the filmmaker who replaced Snyder of “rude, abusive, unprofessional and totally unacceptable” behavior. Fisher also went to great lengths to point fingers Justice League producers Geoff Johns and Jon Berg, who he says made it possible for Whedon. WarnerMedia conducted an internal investigation late last year at Fisher’s urging and announced in December that its “investigation into the Justice League the film has been completed and corrective action has been taken. “

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“Our investigator, Judge Katherine Forrest, issued statements specifically regarding (DC Films President) Walter Hamada, saying there was no evidence of Walter’s interference in the investigation. She said the cuts made in the Joss Whedon version of Justice League were not racist. We took it very seriously, so we hired one of the best investigators and gave him considerable leeway, ”said Sarnoff. Variety.

Variety also asked if the WarnerMedia Boss was aware of an NDA signed by Fisher, which prevented him from publicly sharing more details about what happened to Whedon’s watch during Justice League. Sarnoff replied that she was not aware of such an NDA. She added that Hamada offered Fisher a role in the upcoming Sparkle movie.

In a series of five tweets, Fisher blasted:

“Apparently some folks at @WarnerMedia think a room full of executives saying, ‘We can’t have an angry black man in the center of the movie (then reduce / remove all blacks and POCs in that movie) isn’t racist. Odd, ”actor Cyborg wrote.

The investigator hired by @WarnerMedia was brought in to help the company assess and avoid legal responsibilities. Continually boasting of his status as a FORMER Federal Judge in order to influence public opinion is obvious and desperate. She is no longer just a simple lawyer, ”he continued.

“Like I said, people will try to put the blame completely on Joss Whedon for the Justice League restart. Toby Emmerich, Geoff Johns and Jon Berg share this responsibility; with Johns working directly with Joss on restructuring the script based on executive convos, ”Fisher added.

“Further: ‘There was really nothing that Walter did against Ray, in fact he offered him a role in the Sparkle movie. “AND” Walter just happens to be a person of color, so he knows what that does. “are the absolute definition of mute,” he continued.

“Last thought for now: rather than trying to convince people what Justice League the survey DIDN’T find – how about starting to tell them what she did? The audience is much smarter than what you attribute to them. The proof is there. More soon. A> E. “

Although Fisher did not go into details of what happened aside on the set of Justice League, WarnerMedia – from the actor’s point of view – has also not disclosed its findings. Fisher continued to denounce Hamada as an accessory to this mess, however, the executive had no control over Justice League when he was initially in production as he was then a New Line executive.

During his tirade against WarnerMedia, Fisher was employed by the studio for covers on the reduced Snyder in October. The current version of the film is four hours and two minutes long and explains the Fisher’s Cyborg character arc in detail.

WarnerMedia had no further comment tonight regarding Fisher’s recent snap on Sarnoff.


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