Read a comic about the history of biological warfare of the author of World War Z


Comics Day is now free. If you can not go to your local comic book store, you will find an online book: The war of germs: a very graphic story, written by Max Brooks, the author of World War Z. This 44-page graphic novel can be downloaded free of charge from the Blue Ribbon study group on biodefense and examines the history of humanity with biological warfare.

The Blue Ribbon Study Group on Biodefense commissioned the project, which was illustrated by J. Nino Galenzoga and colored by Joel Santiago and Patricia Beja. The group was founded in 2014 to "provide a comprehensive assessment of the status of biodefence efforts in the United States and make recommendations that will promote change".

Brooks notes that he wrote the book for the commission because he acknowledged the dangers that diseases and epidemics pose to the public, especially at a time when many are wondering whether the vaccines are working or not . (They do it.) "To prevent the next plague, you have to start with education. As taxpayers and voters, we need to understand what we are facing, "he says. "The experts can not help us if we do not help ourselves. We must find enlightened middle ground between blind denial and blind panic. "

Image: Blue Ribbon Study Group on Biodefense

The comic book is a quick read and is designed to give a general overview of our relationship with germs and how they have been used throughout history for malicious purposes. Brooks covers the earliest known cases of war against germs, the Scythian archers dipping their arrows into animal droppings and the Mongols catapulting corpses over the city walls, and he continues his way up. to more recent efforts, such as when European settlers deliberately infected Amerindians with smallpox, experimented with germ warfare programs during the First and Second World Wars, since a cult attempted to infect a city of the Oregon in 1984

Brooks also uses this book to review the history of efforts to treat diseases through the ages, recognizing that measures such as the washing of hands by doctors, the maintenance of clean water without waste and vaccines have stopped or slowed disease transmission. He also uses this book to describe the steps that can be used to thwart such efforts, ranging from effective regulations such as food inspections to effective disease surveillance by federal agencies.

The book is an interesting (and sharp) look at the question, with one key conclusion: the most effective tool for any biowarfare attack is ignorance and public apathy.


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