Recall of all models of Fisher N Price Rock N-Play Sleepers after the death of an infant


The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalls all models of Fisher-Price Rock N & # 39; Play sleepers after associating it with more than 30 infant deaths.

This decision comes just days after the American Academy of Pediatrics, a professional pediatric organization known by the acronym AAP, has asked the CPSC to recall the products, citing an analysis from Consumer Reports magazine that the connects to 32 infant deaths related to sleep. .

"This product is deadly and needs to be recalled immediately," said Dr. Kyle Yasuda, president of the AAP. "When parents buy a product for their baby or child, many people think that if it is sold in a store, it must be used safely." Tragically, this is not the case. There is compelling evidence that Rock's slanted sleeper "Play puts babies' lives at risk, and the CPSC must step in and take immediate action to remove it from the stores and avoid further tragedies."

The Consumer Reports analysis was released on April 8, just days after the CPSC warned the product imploring parents to stop using it as soon as their children reached the age of 3 months or began to present the opportunity to turn around – whichever comes first. The analysis revealed that many of the deceased children were less than 3 months old. The death of some babies was due to asphyxiation or an inability to breathe due to the position of the child.

In his statement, the AAP stated that he did not recommend "sloped sleep products like Rock Play, or any other product for sleeping that requires retaining a baby".

"The AAP recommends to avoid using car seats, strollers or other devices to sleep," he said, "because of the risk that it may be." a baby can roll or put himself in a dangerous position and unable to move, which could cause choking or strangulation ".


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