Recap "The single": The date of the hometown of the time traveler


Last week's episode was the best of The single person season, forcing several limos filled with ambitious women to live close to each other for months while systematically eliminating the weakest. Sparks flew as four of the remaining seven competitors clashed in a battle to convince Colton that the others were not genuine. As their struggles intensified, Colton became more docile, defeated by the ever-increasing accusations against women who sincerely interested him. It was exciting on TV and I really could not know which side I should be on. I could not wait for the next episode: how would these women settle their accounts?

Unfortunately, the predefined formula of The single person guaranteed that we would not have this episode. Monday night was the annual episode of hometowns in which Colton visited the families of the remaining four women. Tayshia could not claim that Caelynn was a single aspiring fighter, and Caelynn did not have a chance to quote, "quote that stupid bitch" because they were 3,000 miles apart, with Tayshia in Orange County and Caelynn in Fredericksburg, Virginia. (Tayshia, on the other hand, did not even have the common decency to welcome Colton to his hometown by punching him in the face and shouting "WELCOME TO THE CO, DOG", as it is customary.)

The fact that the dates in the city of origin are not particularly interesting does not help. Normally, the fun parts of these dates belong to the local flavor, but we did not even have much – a date was skydiving, which can be done anywhere; another was a course on etiquette, which can also be done anywhere; a third surfait, which can be done anywhere with beaches; and the fourth was a carriage ride, which I learned through The single person can be done basically anywhere in America. The other fun part about hometowns is learning the story of the candidates, but honestly, we did not have many.

Much of the episode focused on Colton's quest to convince the fathers of the remaining four women to engage with their daughters, which seemed unbelievably forced and remained a strangely conventional step for a program on the simultaneous attendance of 30 women on television. And that did not even really cause a lot of drama – three fathers said, "Uh, weird, but OK," and the fourth, Cassie's father, said, "You look like you're doing it. go well, but it's a bit loud! " You do not seem too disappointed by the refusal, which has somehow ruined the paternal leave gag. Not that the opinion of Cassie's father is important, but why did any of these things happen if he will continue to stay with Cassie, no matter what his father said?

The good news is that it is probably only a lull of a week in a season that has steadily progressed. Because next week, Colton jumps over this damn fence. They said it in a promo. Chris Harrison promised. I can not wait.

The biggest surprise: Tayshia's time travel

At their first face-to-face meeting, Tayshia and Colton jumped to the Elastic Jump, a bold move considering Colton had already claimed that his biggest fear was the heights. (Although, as previously stated, he has several fears.) After the success of this date, Tayshia apparently decided to replicate it with another date based on heights and both went on a parachute jump. (I can not wait for next week's date, when Colton and Tayshia will attempt to free El Capitan's Dawn Wall solo.)

Fearing that his tall, handsome, timid cat would grow to realize that they were going to parachute, Tayshia blindfolded Colton before getting into his car. To be honest, it seemed profoundly useless. Does this mean that Colton knows enough about the parachuting facilities in Orange County and the roads to get there that he would have discovered where they were heading before they even got there? I think she might have surprised Colton just by … driving over there and not telling him where they were going.

Anyway. When Tayshia slipped the blindfold over Colton's eyes, she jokingly said, "This is not the Bird box challenge ", which was a joke. Bird box challenge? That was one thing a few months ago, haha!

But here's the thing: this date was more than two months ago. The dates of the hometown were filmed in late October or early November (here photos of the Colton and Caelynn date in Virginia published on October 29.) And Bird box had its world premiere on November 12 and was released on Netflix on December 21st. I only heard about the #BirdBoxChallenge in early January, when Netflix ordered fans not to participate, which, like any activity deprecated with a hashtag, is really inspired. more people to do the Bird box challenge. But when enough people knew this meme to mention it in a public conversation, The single person was about to broadcast his first.

There are two explanations here. One is that The single person wrapped shot, sent everyone back into their lives, and then later, maybe after a certain site did a Bird box-Related Bachelor even it was then stolen by the bachelor himself– decided to insert a Bird box joke in this scene. So, they reminded Tayshia to record the sound saying, "This is not the Bird box challenge! But let's be honest, there is no way this can happen. Think of all those efforts to force a competitor to read a B-less scripted joke!

The other explanation is that Tayshia is unstuck in time and can see everything from past and present. This check took place – last week, it was reported that Tayshia was dating seriously with another guy and had broken up with him the night before he left to film The single personwhich is a sociopathic behavior unless you believe that time is simply a construction and that all things already will be.

The biggest loser: North Carolina

The date of Caelynn's hometown was in Fredericksburg, Virginia, because it's his hometown! They went to her favorite ice cream shop, with whom she has emotional connections, because she is from here and grew up there. This may seem surprising to you, as Caelynn has been called Miss North Carolina throughout the season. And The single person has listed his hometown as Charlotte.

But Caelynn is absolutely Virginia. We also know that she went to college in Virginia and that she is only 23 years old, so you can tell that she lived in Virginia most of her life. But looking at her real biography, we can see a more detailed picture of when and why she moved. Caelynn won Miss Virginia Teen USA in 2013 and then competed in Miss Virginia USA in 2016 and 2017, where she finished fourth and second. It was only in the 2018 competition that she transferred her state to North Carolina and won.

The conditions for eligibility for the pageant are rather lax: the Miss North Carolina USA Pageant only asks that potential competitors have lived in that state for three months or have completed it. a semester in a school in that state. It seems common for competitors to change state to improve their chances of pageant. Last year, I wrote about the fact that a very wealthy couple claimed to be from Dominica to be able to ski at the Winter Olympics and, as far as I know, these people are responsible for all beauty contests. (Honestly, we should give Hannah B. a credit for being from Alabama.)

I'd like to imagine that the Miss Miss North Carolina 2018 contest featured another competitor publicly accusing Caelynn of being dishonest about his supposed love for North Carolina, which she cared about only to be the next Miss USA and that she was going to get rid of North Carolina as soon as she had the opportunity, which led the jury to seriously reconsider Caelynn while She was discussing her true intentions. (Let's call this imaginary competitor … Shmayshia.)

Whatever it is, all this is a disappointment for North Carolina. Not only do they have no date of birth, but the whole world now knows that the state is a prime destination for competitors in distressed pageant competitions, sourced from wealthy states. beauty, looking for a more homogeneous jurisdiction in which they can dominate.

The worst label: Hannah's beatboxing family

The worst of the four dates was a lesson of good conduct for Colton because, as Hannah G. (still active Alabaman Hannah) explained, her family would want Colton to be a true gentleman from the South. The date was silly – Colton does not know how to eat bread, outrageous! – but I kept hoping that Hannah was about to take her to a cluttered mansion where her great-aunt would faint because Colton did not know which fork was meant for the salad.

But no, Hannah's family was perfectly normal. Well, maybe not "normal" – they do things like this:

We may have taught Colton to walk with exceptional posture and how to eat bread, but he was unfortunately ill-prepared to handle the etiquette on how to deal with an MC that sucks off weak bars in the middle of dinner. Hannah's family seems to have a conception of hip-hop directly after 1988, consisting mainly of saying the word "word!" To each other.

Throughout the season, Hannah's work has been classified as "content creator", which really upset me. I am a blogger. Am I a "content creator"? Does someone with an Instagram account is a content creator? When I take a picture of my dog ​​and tweet it, does that make my dog ​​a creator of content? What about when my dog ​​is pooping – is his content poop? Are not we all, whenever we speak, breathe or dream, creating a form of content? I did not understand Hannah's occupation until I saw her beatbox daddy. This is happy.

Winner: Caelynn

Monday night was the end of the road for Miss, North Carolina, Virginia, while Colton had decided to go ahead with Cassie, Hannah and Tayshia leaving Caelynn. I still think it's the most cruel dumping – after every woman returns to her hometown, she explicitly goes back to Los Angeles for a rose ceremony, which means Caelynn stole five hours to be dropped. I hope she's at least had In-N-Out while she was here.

But in the long run, that's good news for Caelynn. As we have already noted, last week's episode was disrupted by Tayshia's accusation that Caelynn had spoken openly about her desire to become the next Bachelorette. At the time, I sided with Caelynn, but after thinking for a week, I think I'm on the side of Tayshia. Caelynn's story about States in motion in a concerted effort to win the Miss USA contest makes me think that it could be a woman who participates in various competitions with more ambitious goals in mind.

Which is more likely: that Tayshia invented a very specific lie about Caelynn with nothing to prove it, or that Caelynn actually had a conversation about wanting to become the next Bachelorette, but that it was edited for give it a more favorable look?

Caelynn will be an exceptional choice for the next season of The bachelorette. She is smart, fun and beautiful. Her beauty contest route gives her the air of importance and desire that the series misses when she wears titles such as "Account Manager". And her story of survivor of sexual assault deserves to be amplified.

However, if there was a video of Caelynn openly discussing her desire to be the next Bachelorette, she would be rather unpopular. Bachelorette. The premise is that the Bachelorette is a woman who just broke her heart The single personand no one will buy it about Caelynn if we suspect her of wanting to stay Bachelorette from the beginning. So I guess they kept Tayshia's accusations for the excellent drama but refrained from showing Tayshia's main proofs so that Caelynn could come out with a favorable fit. (I must also point out that the beef Hannah B./Caelynn was always short of details and always made Caelynn look like the most reasonable participant.)

And so, I have to congratulate Caelynn. I think she really came to this show hoping to win another beauty contest and, as we all know, you do not win. The single person by marrying The single person. You win by becoming the next star of The bachelorette.


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