Recently Published Messages Reveal the First Time Facebook Knows Cambridge Analytica Violation


A long-sought-after internal document, obtained by NBC News on Friday morning and made public by Facebook and the Washington attorney general's office, calls into question what was done and when the social media giant first learned about the violation of the confidentiality of tens of millions of private users. The data.

The document reveals that Facebook has learned of the existence of unconfirmed reports of a potential data breach in September 2015. The company then attempted to resolve the problem, but was not informed of it. magnitude of the problem until the publication of a Guardian report in December 2015.

The timeline is important because Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said developer Aleksandr Kogan had sold user data to Cambridge Analytica, a violation of Facebook's policy prohibiting researchers from selling or sharing data with third parties.

However, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint in July claiming that Facebook's employees had "requested an investigation" into the "possible" erasure "of the Cambridge data in September 2015 – three months before the Guardian report was released.


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