Red Dead Redemption 2 Lighting, supposedly downgraded after patch 1.06 on PS4


Red Dead Redemption 2 Patch 1.06 for PS4 PlayStation 4

The first Rockstar game built for the current generation, Red Dead Redemption 2, is a true observer. Especially if you consider its size and details, the graphics of the game are pretty incredible. However, the technical realization was supposed to have been mitigated by the last update. According to a particularly insightful player, patch 1.06 modifies or removes the ambient occlusion of the game.

The left image shows the game before the update and the right image shows the same scene after patch installation. There is certainly a difference. the second image is mute and flat compared to the first. It is not known if this change is intentional. The release notes for version 1.06 only mention updates to Red Dead Online. So it's possible that it's just a bug.

Are you bothered by this change in the visuals of Red Dead 2? Have you noticed a difference? Tie your horse in the comments below.


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