Red Dead Redemption 2 UPDATE: Red Dead Online News, Rockstar Shock Rumors | Game | Entertainment


The small online update of Red Dead Redemption 2 this week should be followed soon by a considerable expansion of the multiplayer mode.

The good news is that even though the big version of Spring has not arrived yet, this week's update brings great rewards to fans who have been playing Red Dead Online for a long time.

All Red Dead Online players who have reached rank 10 this week will receive a bonus of 100 RDOs for their problems.

Those who have been playing for a while may already have reached this rank, which means that you will automatically qualify for this bonus, which means that no move is required before the May 13th deadline.

The bonuses are interesting to receive, but the spring is well underway and there is not yet another important update concerning the next big expansion of Rockstar Games.

This is absolutely necessary and we hope to include surprise content for fans of the PS4 and Xbox One.

Fans urgently need new content that does not just apply to new Showdown modes and new cosmetics.

The road is not free for Red Dead Redemption 2 to dominate online in its current beta, which needs to be rectified.

Although we do not know when the new update will be available – hopefully before the end of May, fans have received a new rumor about Rockstar this week.

Fans think they have found more evidence that Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to PC.

It may seem obvious that the studio would like to highlight their latest massive game.

But fans will remember that this has never been the case for Red Dead Redemption, which remains an exclusive for the console. New reports this week will give PC players the hope that a port is being worked on, following the announcement of a recent discovery.

An official Linked In page was found for a physics programmer who lists Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC as a project they worked on, as well as console versions.

This is not an official proof that Rockstar Games is currently working on RDR2 for PC, but this can only be seen as a positive sign that something is happening.

The studio could consider launching the PC version of Red Dead 2 in early 2020, bringing several benefits.

Red Dead Online is expected to have completed its beta phase at this stage, which means that a whole new pool of players will have access to a more finished product.

Starting with more things to do in multiplayer mode should help Rockstar keep more players in the long run.

However, until Rockstar officially announces something about the PC platform, all of this remains rumored for the moment.

This could also be another rumor suggesting that GTA 6 could be released by the end of 2020. While this may be quite shocking for fans, it would also provide an opportunity for Rockstar.

If the studio chooses to display its PC outputs as it did with GTA 5, a new port for GTA 6 on PC will take about 18 months to emerge. This would give Red Dead Online time to build a solid foundation before the next big Rockstar game.

For now, all this remains speculative, with Red Dead Online on PS4 and Xbox One Rockstar at the heart of Rockstar's concerns in 2019. And things should accelerate with the release of the impressive development Spring on PS4 and Xbox One.

New features and missions for the Red Dead multiplayer mode have already been detailed by the development team, with some surprises to be hoped for.

Rockstar confirmed that more "Land of Opportunities" missions will be part of the update. Fans can continue Jessica LeClerk's quest for revenge as you explore the path of a Gunslinger or Outlaw.

This announcement will be launched alongside new mission donors and mission types Free Roam, with Rockstar referring to single-player cameos. Rockstar also plans to extend the dynamic events that can occur in Red Dead Online, which means fighting ambushes, launching rescue operations and defending people in need.

If this happens soon, fans can probably expect some sort of announcement and written update from Rockstar in the coming weeks.


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