Red Sox about to be dethroned in East AL, and Yankees hope to clinch a coup de grace


BOSTON – It's the second week of September and the Yankees are still one step ahead of the AL East overall, so they know they'll soon be blowing champagne to celebrate a future division title.

The last one was back in 2012.

There will be a little lasting celebration for the Yankees before their magic numbers go from 11 to zero, and that could happen before the end of their series at Fenway Park on Monday night.

If the Yankees win the next two nights, the last three years of third place in the Boston Red Sox as division champions will officially end.

Yankees pitcher J.A. Happ heard a smile after Saturday's 6-1 win over the Red Sox, which could happen before the club leaves Boston.

"Certainly, they won the World Series last year and knocked us out," said Happ. "I'm sure it would not feel bad."

The Yankees still hate to come back last October while they were playing in the playoffs as a Wild Card team with 100 wins, and then were ousted by the Red Sox at Yankee Stadium in a division series that s & # 39; 39, is over in four games.

"Obviously, last year they were angry at us and they were a bit bitter before the off season," said Luke Voit, Yankees' first baseman. "Our goal is to win and reach the playoffs and try to get first place so we can get a field advantage, but it would be nice to do it here."

Meanwhile, the Red Sox are on track to enter the playoffs as a Wild Card, while they are behind the seven-game Oakland Athletics for second place in the AL category before Sunday. Both clubs have 20 games to play.

The Yankees will probably appreciate the day Boston misses the playoffs, but that's not what's bothering them.

They want to stay focused on winning more matches to nail the AL East, then try to beat the Houston Astros (93-60) and the West Los Angeles (92-52), NL West leader, for the better record. in the major leagues to secure home field advantage throughout the playoffs.

"We just have to keep rolling and playing our game, and all the rest will happen," Voit said.

Randy Miller can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @RandyJMiller. Find on Facebook.


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