Red Wings announce surgery for Vrána – at least 4 months


Difficult news from today’s announcements:

Vrána, the 25-year-old winger acquired from the Anthony Mantha trade last season and who quickly established himself as Detroit’s top finisher has just started a three-year bridge out of free agency restricted to an AAV of $ 5.25 million.

The “at least four months” schedule brings Vrána close to the Olympic break and with about a month before the NHL trade deadline (March 21). Without him, it’s even harder to claim the Wings will realistically be buyers, but his return timeline should have a lot to say about who they might be willing or able to sell.

To be honest, that’s bad news because I love watching him and he makes the Red Wings better. However, in terms of how the Silver Liners work, this bad news probably couldn’t have come at a better time for the Wings if you accept that this is a series of inevitable events.

In the short term, this likely ensures that Bobby Ryan gets a contract with his current PTO deal. It also increases the likelihood that Lucas Raymond will have time. When considering where the extra score should come from, the next four months will be a heavy strain on Filip Zadina’s shoulders.

Longer term, this gives the Wings more time to introduce people they might want to move around March 2022 and it puts a parachute on the idea that a team that probably needs favorable lottery odds more than she does need a playoff run could go on a real tear and hurt their draft chances. It also gives Vrána a chance to fix an issue at the start of a three-year contract that might otherwise harass him all the time.

I don’t like any of it, but if it were to happen, it could suck.


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