Redskins & Gruden & # 39; numb to Williams


Jay Gruden, coach of the Washington Redskins, said he had become "insensitive" to tackling Trent Williams' situation and that he was not expecting that he put an end to the battle of Trent Williams this week.

Williams has held up since the opening of the training camp, telling relatives that it was because of problems with the medical staff. However, neither Williams nor his agent spoke publicly about the issue. They told people that he would not play for the Redskins anymore. He should not put an end to this situation this week.

Gruden remains publicly optimistic about Williams' return. Although the exchange remains an option, Gruden said last week that he was still convinced that the Redskins would not trade the Pro Bowl's left tackle six times. But Monday, Gruden seemed exasperated.

"I have no more waiting," said Gruden when asked when he was expecting Williams to report back this week. "I'm a little numb by the fact, so I'm going to coach the guys we have, that's all we can do for the moment and … to answer your answer, no, I'm not sure. have absolutely no feeling. "

Williams still has two years of contract and the Redskins do not want to extend the deal at the moment. Be that as it may, it is not certain that it would pacify Williams.

But his absence left the Redskins line in limbo. They have signed Donald Penn, 36, who will open the first game in Philadelphia. He will start alongside Ereck Flowers, a former striker who has worked as a goaltender for less than a month.


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