Reese Witherspoon shares rare legally blonde photos


“Time flies when you’re busy using legal jargon in your day-to-day life. “

It’s been 20 years since Reese Witherspoon introduced us to her pink-loving Harvard graduate character known as Elle Woods.

In honor of the film’s big milestone, Witherspoon took to Instagram to share some rare behind-the-scenes photos from The revenge of a blonde.

“Omigod you guys…. # LegallyBlonde was created 20 years ago TODAY!” she wrote. “Time flies when you’re busy using legal jargon in your day-to-day life. “

“But really… playing Elle Woods was the role of a lifetime, and I’m so honored to be part of sharing her story with all of you,” Witherspoon continued.

“Every meme, graduation cap, musical number, Halloween costume and bend & snap has brought me so much JOY over the past two decades!” the Wild actor added. “💕 I wonder … what will Elle do next?” “

Good question! Witherspoon shared funny photos of herself and her co-stars on set.

There was one from Witherspoon in the living room after his famous “fold and slam” scene.

“It was a time before cameras on phones,” Blair wrote on Instagram when she celebrated the film’s 20th anniversary. “I walked around with a little vintage camera but never remembered to take a lot.”

“I was too busy with Matt Davis talking in my trailer or watching Reese work.”

Oh, how quickly time flies! After 20 years, I still haven’t lost the urge to watch The revenge of a blonde after every waking moment.

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