Regina King puts on a mask in HBO's new Watchmen trailer


Regina King's has something to hide under her look of superheroes.
Image: HBO
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Who's watching the guards? The exact type of people they do not really want to watch, is it?

HBO has just released a brand new trailer for Damon Lindelof's sequel in the founding graphic novel of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Like our previous looks on the show – put in a world after The original comics, a world that has become strange and even more sadly dystopian in the aftermath of Ozymandias' destruction of New York, examines how, after decades of avoiding masked vigilance, society has returned to adopting the mask … and not great.

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Although we had a very intriguing long trailer for HBO's Watchmen at San Diego Comic-Con, the …

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Masks hide the identities, they hide the intentions, they hide the traumas. And this new trailer wants you to know that while Regina King's Angela Abrahams adopts her own self-defense identity, she tracks down a mysterious group of terrorists calling themselves Kalvary. Rorschach.

It's a sweet breach of our own superhero fascination of the moment. For all the cool costumes that these heroes and villains have made themselves, that can not help but help, but all look deep and deeply messed up. What is the point, in the end.

guardians arrives at HBO on October 20th.

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