Registry Explorer is the registry editor that every Windows user needs


Registry Explorer Header Image

Last week a new open source registry editor was released that puts Windows Regedit software to shame by supporting a host of advanced features, making registry editing easier than ever.

The Windows Registry is a centralized, hierarchical database used by the operating system to store system settings, hardware configurations, and user preferences.

If you are a Windows administrator or advanced user, you have probably made changes to the registry at some point using the Windows built-in registry editor (regedit.exe) to fix a bug or change a setting in configuration.

However, Microsoft hasn’t made many changes to Registry Editor over the years to modernize the app, and it lacks a lot of useful features that people might want.

Enter Registry Explorer

Last weekend, Windows Internals expert Pavel Yosifovich released a program called Registry Explorer which aims to modernize the Registry Editor with a host of new features.

Registry Explorer was released as an open source project on GitHub. Still, for those who don’t want to compile the program, Yosifovich has also released a precompiled beta that can be downloaded and launched immediately.

After running Registry Explorer, you’ll be greeted with a view of all registry hives, which users can expand to see their subkeys and values, just like the standard Windows registry editor.

Registry explorer
Registry explorer

However, where the program shines is an included dark mode, the ability to copy and paste keys and values ​​to different locations, an undo changes button, and an advanced search feature.

Registry Explorer’s search feature is much more advanced than regedit’s as it allows you to find and display all search results in a single dialog as shown below. You can then browse the search results and double-click an entry to automatically open that registry key or value.

Registry Explorer showing all search results in the registry in one window
Registry Explorer showing all search results in the registry in one window

Making a bad change in the registry can prevent Windows from working properly. Registry Explorer starts in a “Read-Only Mode” which prevents you from making changes until the mode is turned off.

A full list of Registry Explorer features is listed below:

  • Show real register (not just standard)
  • Sort list view by any column
  • Key icons for hives, inaccessible keys and links
  • Key details: last write time and number of keys / values
  • Display extended values ​​MUI and REG_EXPAND_SZ
  • Full search (Find all / Ctrl + Shift + F)
  • Improved hex editor for binary values
  • Undo redo
  • Copy / paste keys / values

Better yet, if you find that you really like Registry Explorer, you can configure it to automatically override the Windows Registry Editor and be the default file manager for the .reg file.

If you find yourself constantly modifying the Windows registry, searching for values, or exporting your configuration to .reg files, I highly suggest you give Registry Explorer a try as you will likely find many features that are very useful.

To try Registry Explorer, you can visit the project’s GitHub page.


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