Release date and games hinted at in new rumor


A new Nintendo Switch Pro rumor has surfaced online a few days after the Nintendo Switch Pro controller leaked. Sadly, the rumor isn’t overflowing with the most salient information, but it hints at the console’s release date and gives some insight into how it might handle older games. Rumors of an improved and more powerful Nintendo Switch have been circulating for over a year, but recently rumors and reports have started to increase dramatically, suggesting that we are getting closer to a reveal and release.

The latest comes from one of the earliest sources to relay word of the machine, or more specifically, the NateDrake industry insider path. According to the person responsible for the leak, the console is expected to be announced this year and at the moment there are plans to release it this year as well, however, a postponement until 2022 is certainly a possibility at this point.

Sadly, the leaker doesn’t provide additional details on the console release date, but it looks like it will be at some point during this holiday season, assuming it doesn’t get delayed until next year.

As well as hinting at the release date, the leaker also claims that the console’s new SoC should give older games a boost in the form of increased resolution and fps. However, it seems that there may be exceptions to this rule depending on how the game is coded.

Finally, the NateDrake comments on the Nintendo Switch Pro’s supposed DLSS support, noting that they have only heard that this support will only include docked mode. However, the insider isn’t ready to dismiss the portable DLSS, citing a lack of confirmation anyway.

Of course, all of this, like every little bite, should be taken with a grain of salt. Not only is everything here not 100% official, but it’s also subject to change. This could all be completely correct today, and tomorrow it could all be outdated and incorrect information.

As you might expect, Nintendo hasn’t commented on any of this unofficial information or directly commented on a single Nintendo Switch Pro rumor, report, or leak. That said, if Nintendo breaks this model of “no comment” silence, we’ll be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, for more coverage on everything Nintendo Switch – including the latest Nintendo Switch Pro rumors, reports and leaks – click here.


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