Rep. Doug Collins to lead Trump campaign recount effort in Georgia


Georgia Rep. Doug Collins – who just lost his candidacy for a Senate seat – will lead the Trump campaign recount effort in the state that was too close to call.

The decision was announced Sunday night and the recount in The Peach State will begin when “the prospecting is complete,” according to President Trump’s campaign.

“Republicans support the ideal that every eligible voter should be able to legally vote and have them count,” Collins said in a statement.

Collins and the Trump campaign have both claimed, without providing evidence, that the ballots were “poorly collected” in Georgia.

“In the upcoming recount, we are confident that we will find evidence of poorly-collected ballots and other irregularities that will prove that President Trump has again won Georgia fairly on his way to re-election as President,” Collins said.

With 99% reporting, Trump followed President-elect Joe Biden by around 10,000 votes in Georgia.

The recount cannot change the election result as Biden surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to secure the presidency on Saturday with a victory in Pennsylvania.


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