Report: Bruce Springsteen had 0.02 BAC from a shot of tequila when DWI was arrested


Rock music legend Bruce Springsteen was well below the legal limit for drunk driving when he was arrested for DWI in New Jersey, according to a new report.

The Asbury Park Press reports that Springsteen, 71, had a blood alcohol level of 0.02 when he was arrested on November 14 while riding his motorbike in part of the Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook , on the Jersey Shore. The legal threshold in New Jersey is 0.08.

A source told the New York Post that Springsteen was spotted by fans who asked him to stop and take pictures. He then allegedly took a photo of tequila donated by a fan, in view of the police.

“Bruce stopped, took the photos, then a fan offered him a drink of alcohol, which he took, sitting on his bike, which was stationary,” the source said. “The park police saw what happened and immediately arrested Springsteen as he was leaving.

Springsteen has been charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving and drinking alcohol in a closed area, a National Park Service spokesperson said. The boss was cooperative, according to the spokesperson.

Springsteen’s arrest was made public on Wednesday and confirmed by the National Park Service.

News of Springsteen’s arrest comes shortly after he performed as part of President Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20 and appeared in a Jeep commercial on Super Bowl Sunday, encouraging unity. Jeep said it was putting the ad on hold “until the real facts can be ascertained” and removed it from YouTube.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member, who lives in Colts Neck, NJ, and made his debut in nearby Asbury Park, is expected to appear in court in the coming weeks, according to TMZ, who first reported the arrest. notes that Springsteen is not known for public intoxication like other rock stars. He said he didn’t have his first drink until he was 22 and avoided alcohol in his youth due to his father’s drinking problems.

“The terrifying, engulfing presence he became when he drank convinced me never to go. He lost who he was, ”Springsteen wrote in his 2016 autobiography“ Born to Run ”.


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