Report Card: Steelers' pre-season defeat ranking for the Panthers


The Steelers traveled to Queen City on Thursday night with one last chance to take a long look at the guys on the bubble and tweak some key players without getting hurt. The bottom line … they looked really bad. For the first time this preseason, I did not like more things than I liked. It was awful. But that was pre-season # 4, so take a good part of it with a grain of salt.

For whatever reason, I have the responsibility to evaluate the team's performance. It's not easy, but I'm going to make a whirlwind. Despite my less than prestigious BTSC teaching certificate, I must issue the necessary warning. You know the story Of course, I am neither a football coach nor a teacher, but I play one in blogs and podcasts. All week, I realized how talented the two teams were equal in talent and it will show. Then the game has arrived and judgments abound.

Classifying games is an extremely difficult and somewhat thankless task. Although coaches' scores matter most, the media and fans can not help but make an assessment. The pre-season is even more difficult. All notes are simply based on the visual test of someone who is looking at home. In this case, it's my opinion of doofus.

Let's take a look at the first perceptions of BTSC:

Offense: C-

Week 4 is a lower level football and Josh Dobbs summed it up well. He can play the Impact with his leg, but it's a thermostat as a smuggler. Mason Rudolph won the night as the clock sounded at midnight under Duckasty Dynasty. The running was pitiful. Benny Snell Football may not be a good advertisement. Trey Edmunds did nothing to shine either. The offensive line was a sieve and Johnny Holton was the best receiver, including JWash tonight.


Which class do you think deserves the offensive after the 25-19 loss to Carolina?

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Defense: C-

Guys like Tuzar Skipper, Jayrone Elliott, UG3, Cam Sutton, Henry Mondeaux and Marcellus Branch made waves, but the defense of that night was a difficult time. I thought it was not the best showcase for Devin Bush either. Nevertheless, I still have confidence in this unit.


What rating do you think the defense deserved after the loss to Carolina?

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Special Teams: C

Matthew Wright missed his hearing with failures. Nothing else was too blatant. But accessories to Ian Berryman. I think he can hang somewhere, maybe in Pittsburgh.


How do you rate the Steelers special teams after the loss in Carolina?

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Overall: C-

This match was far from an indicator of what the Steelers will look like in the regular season. Guys like Rudolph, Holton, Skipper and Gilbert looked better, while guys with limited possibilities struggled. Just know that the next game to score is very important.


What overall grade would you give to the Steelers after the 25-19 loss to the Carolina Panthers?

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valedictorian: Tuzar skipper and bricklayer Rudolph

Table of honor: Johnny Holton, Henry Mondeaux, Ulysses Gilbert III, Ian Berryman, Cam Sutton, Marcellus Branch, Sutton Smith. Jayrone Elliott

Needs improvement: Too many to mention

Now, it's up to you to play the teacher. Use the polls and the comments section below. We can compare notes in the teachers room.


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