Report: Cubs vs Reds Scheduled for ‘Field Of Dreams’ Game in 2022 MLB Season | Launderer report


Quinn Harris / Getty Images

The Chicago Cubs will play against the Cincinnati Reds in the 2022 version of Major League Baseball. Field of dreams game in Dyersville, Iowa, according to NBC Sports’ Gordon Wittenmyer.

According to that report, “The plan, which has some legal details to work out, calls for the Cubs and Reds to play at the Field of Dreams site on Thursday, August 11, take the day off Friday, and then wrap up the three series games on Saturday and Sunday at Cincinnati, according to sources. “

The first iteration of the game this season was a smash hit, with Chicago White Sox star Tim Anderson putting the icing on the cake by hitting a homerun in the cornstalks against the New York Yankees.

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“I think it’s pretty clear that we’ll be back next year, and we’ll have to talk about it after that,” MLB commissioner Rob Manfred told reporters after the game. “But it’s so successful that it’s hard not to take the opportunity to do it again.”

Last week, Cubs manager David Ross let it slide that his team would be invited to the Iowa showcase.

“We’re in there next year, aren’t we?” He said after reporters asked him about this year’s version of the game.

A smiling Ross then realized that the 2022 version had yet to be announced.

“No,” he said, answering his own question. “We are not, we are not, we are not.”

Looks like Ross let the cat out of the bag. It was an exciting admission for Cubs fans, with people from Cincinnati now joining in the excitement.


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