Report: Microsoft Excludes Notch from Minecraft's Birthday Celebration


Microsoft will exclude Minecraft Creator Markus "Notch" Persson celebrates the 10th anniversary of the game later this month, reports Variety. The company claims that Persson's "comments and opinions" are simply too toxic for it to be associated with its brand. The news came one month after Microsoft quietly erased references to Persson from the game's loading screen.

"His comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft or Mojang and are not representative of Minecraft, Said a Microsoft spokesman at Variety.

Minecraft was officially released in 2011 after a long period of beta and has since become one of the most popular video games of all time. It brings together more than 90 million players of all ages and is used as a teaching tool in schools. MinecraftThe ubiquity of this product comes in part from its availability on virtually all modern gaming platforms, from computers to consoles to mobile devices.

In 2014, Microsoft bought Minecraft and its developer, the Swedish studio Mojang, for 2.5 billion dollars. In the years since his payment, he has become increasingly erratic, promoting abominable social and political views among his more than 3.7 million followers on Twitter. Her achievements include the public promotion of fanatical theories about the relative value of cultures and races, as well as the defamation of women and the LGBTQ community in general.

Microsoft says Persson will not be attending an event to be held in Stockholm on May 17th. Polygon has contacted Microsoft for an additional comment.


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