Report: The 6ix9ine family will not go to court during his testimony


He is expected to testify at the next trial against his former members of Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods, and when he does, his family would apparently not be present.

On Wednesday, September 11, TMZ announced that the rapper's family will not be in the courtroom because he will testify against his former associates Anthony "Harv" Ellison and Aljermiah "Nuke" Mack in their next lawsuit. Ellison is accused of having abducted 6ix9ine and the rapper would be expected to testify about the alleged gang activities of Ellison and Mack.

According to the report, the 6ix9ine family feels that it is too risky for them to come forward and support their loved ones, especially because they think that other members of Nine Trey will also be present. Although the rapper has previously hired additional security guards to protect them, they would still feel like being attacked in the courtroom, to be followed at home or away from home. be harassed at the very least.

In addition to discussing the details of the kidnapping, court documents indicate that 6ix9ine – listed as CW-2 in court documents – should involve himself and other members of their Nine Trey gang In a plot to hurt Casanova while they had beef, detail how his role in the gang was to "make money for the gang and distribute it to Nine Trey's members".

The jury selection for the Mack and Ellison trial is scheduled to begin on September 16th.

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