Republican election official in Philadelphia says he saw no evidence of widespread fraud


“I have seen the most fantastic things on social media, making completely ridiculous claims that have no basis in fact and seeing them spread,” City Commissioner Al Schmidt told CNN’s John Berman on Wednesday. Day “.

President Donald Trump, who continues to make unsubstantiated statements about electoral fraud and claims the election was stolen from him, attacked Schmidt on Twitter on Wednesday, calling him “RINO” or “Republican in name only.”

“He refuses to look at a mountain of corruption and dishonesty. We win!” Trump tweeted.

But Schmidt told CNN that if evidence of widespread fraud had been brought to their attention, “we review it and refer it to law enforcement, as we always do in every election.”

“I realize that a lot of people are happy with this election and a lot of people are not happy with this election. One thing I can’t understand is how hungry people are to consume lies. and consuming information that is not true, ”he told me.

Schmidt said his office examined a list of deceased people who allegedly voted in Philadelphia and found that “not a single one of them voted in Philadelphia after their deaths.”

In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Schmidt said his office had received death threats.
CNN predicted that Joe Biden would win Pennsylvania, giving him the 270 votes needed to win the presidency. Biden currently leads in Pennsylvania with more than 47,000 votes as of Wednesday morning.

Schmidt told CNN that Philadelphia election workers still had 18,000 ballots in the mail and about 18,000 provisional ballots to count.

“It’s important that we all stay focused on our job, which is counting the votes cast on or before election day by eligible voters, which shouldn’t be controversial,” Schmidt told CNN on Wednesday.


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