Republican governors threaten legal action over Biden’s vaccine mandate – live | US News






Bidens visits DC school to discuss Covid safety for students



Joe biden, striving to restore public confidence in its handling of the pandemic, on Thursday announced new vaccination mandates for 100 million workers, or about two-thirds of the U.S. workforce.

Channeling national frustration as the virus reappears, the US president has adopted his harshest tone yet, berating the tens of millions of Americans who remain unvaccinated against the coronavirus.

Biden: “Patience is slim with unvaccinated Americans” – video

“We can and we will turn the tide of Covid-19,” he said firmly.

“It’s going to take a lot of hard work and it’s going to take time. Many of us are frustrated by the nearly 80 million Americans who still go unvaccinated even though the vaccine is safe, effective, and free. “

Biden’s speech in the White House State Dining Room, against the backdrop of Abraham Lincoln’s portrait and looking at reporters crammed together tightly, was seen as a high-level attempt to regain momentum and reassure Americans despairing of whether the pandemic will ever end.



Republican governors threaten legal action over Biden’s vaccine tenure


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