Republican Leader Steve Scalise refuses to admit Trump lost election to Biden | U.S. Elections 2020


A senior Republican House leader refused to admit Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election against Donald Trump.

Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise, the House Minority Whip, appeared on ABC this week more than three months after Biden won Electoral College 306-232 and the popular vote by more than 7 million votes and a little over a month after the Democrat was sworn in. .

Trump now lives in Florida, but he refused to accept the reality and concede, even after making the vast majority of cases laugh for pursuing baseless allegations of voter fraud.

He was indicted a second time for inciting the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, after telling his supporters to “fight like hell” to overturn the elections. Thanks to Republicans in the Senate, he was acquitted.

“Clarify that for me,” ABC host Jonathan Karl told Scalise on Sunday. “Joe Biden won the election. He is the rightful president of the United States. The election was not stolen, was it?

“Listen,” Scalise says, “Joe Biden is the president. There were a few states that did not respect their national laws. This is really the dispute that you have seen continue.

“And, look, if you’re Joe Biden, you probably want to keep talking about impeachment and anything other than the fact that he’s killed millions of American jobs in the energy industry, that … they’re coming.” to sign Paris [climate] agreement. It will kill manufacturing jobs in America.

“But at the end of the day, when you look at where we are in this country, either we are going to address the issues that occurred with the elections which … millions of people are still concerned, the constitution says that the legislatures of the States the rules for elections, that has not happened in a few states, and so in the future – look, Joe Biden is the president. But does he … “

Karl intervened.

“But, Congressman, I know Joe Biden is the president. He lives in the White House. I asked you, is he the legitimate President of the United States and do you admit that this election was not stolen? Very simple question. Please respond. “

“Look,” Scalise said, without answering the question. “Once the voters are counted, yes, he is the legitimate president. But if you want to ignore the fact that there were states that didn’t follow their own… laws, that’s the problem at the heart, that millions of people are still not satisfied and don’t want this to happen. reproduce.

“You know, listen… you can repeat the election from 2020 all day long, but there are people who are worried about what the next election will look like. Are we finally going to get back to how the rule of law works? “

Scalise’s rule of law comment echoes statements from Trump, his supporters and lawyers, who insisted he represents law enforcement despite instigating an assault against Congress in which a policeman was one of five people killed and dozens of others were injured.

Scalise told Karl he recently visited Trump.

“I was doing fundraising in several parts of Florida,” he said, “I ended up in Mar-a-Lago, and the president reached out and we visited. I hadn’t seen him since he left the White House. And it was really good to catch up with him. I noticed he was a lot more relaxed than he was during his four years in the White House.

“He still cares a lot about this country and the direction of our country. But, you know, it was more of a conversation about how he’s doing now and what he’s … planning to do and how his family is.

In the long run, Trump’s plans could include yet another candidacy – or other means of keeping Congress Republicans firmly in his grip. In the short term, the former president will address the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Florida next week.

Its subject: the state of the Republican Party.


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