Republican William Weld launches first challenge against Trump


Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld (R) officially launched a long-shot main challenge against President TrumpDonald John TrumpOmar claims that she is facing an increase in death threats since Trump tweeted Trump takes it to Pelosi after an interview of "60 Minutes" Trump revived the attacks on sanctuary cities to distract attention from Mueller report: report Monday.

Mr. Weld, candidate for vice president of the Libertarian Party in 2016, did not mention Trump in a statement announcing his candidacy.

"In these times of great political discord, when the two major parties are entrenched in their" win at all costs "battles, the voices of the American people are ignored and our country suffers," said Weld.

"It's time for patriotic men and women from our great country to get up and plant a flag. It is time to return to Lincoln's principles – equality, dignity and opportunity for all. There is no greater cause on earth than to preserve what really makes America great. I am ready to fight this fight, "he added.

Weld faces almost impossible odds in his quest to defeat Trump in the Republican primary.

Trump's presidential campaign has raised more than $ 30 million in the first quarter of 2019 and more than $ 40 million. A recent Gallup poll found that 89% of Republicans had a favorable opinion of the president.

The Republican National Committee took steps to remove a potential main challenger, voting to express his "undivided support" to the president. And the Trump campaign brought together party insiders to define the delegates' strategy to avoid surprises at the 2020 congress.

A group of Republicans "Never Trump" led by Weekly Standard founder Bill Kristol, has organized meetings on the recruitment of a main challenger against Trump. They have not chosen a potential challenger, but do not consider Weld as one of the best rookies.

Some Republicans are hoping that Maryland's governor Larry Hogan (right) or former Ohio governor, John Kasich (right), will attend the primary against Trump.

Still, efforts to deny Trump the GOP nomination would be a long shot, even though Republicans "Never Trump" are clinching one of their best hopes.

Kristol led efforts to recruit a conservative challenger in 2016, once it became clear that Trump would win the GOP nomination. At one point, Kristol hoped to recruit the former American general of the US Navy. John KellyJohn Francis KellyMORE, who became Trump's chief of staff.

The "Never Trump" Republicans did not succeed in getting a leading candidate and turned to David French, a lawyer and writer for the National Review, which was poorly known outside of the conservative media circles. ;elite. The French went to the presidential election.

At the 2016 Republican National Convention, a small but loud group of Republicans sought to sabotage the process and replace Trump on the ticket. Their last effort was stifled.

And former CIA consultant and Republican member, Evan McMullin, has launched a long-running protest candidacy that garnered 21% of the votes in his home country, Utah, without however reduce Trump's support. Trump is unpopular in the deep red of Utah but still won the state easily.


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