Republicans bludgeon Biden’s big stimulus plans


Early Republican opposition says the next round of coronavirus relief will be at least as painful as the previous one, which took more than six months to complete in late December. It also means Biden may have to choose between lowering his ambitions in order to follow through on his bipartisan desires or passing a partisan bill he says the country desperately needs.

Some House Democrats have been mulling over a smaller package that ties vaccines and larger stimulus checks together, though Democratic leaders in both chambers have yet to decide which way to go.

Biden pushed for a massive plan that includes a minimum wage hike of $ 15 an hour, a further increase in unemployment benefits, and $ 1,400 in out-of-pocket payments. It is also injecting more money into vaccines and tests.

Some of these articles may have the support of Republicans. But this package as a whole is “a non-starter,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), The No. 4 leader of the GOP.

“We are ready to consider what it takes to move forward, as efficiently and quickly as possible, on vaccine distribution, to secure what we need for the future in terms of CDC,” said Blunt. “There are things in there that are not going to happen, there are things that can happen.”

Even progressives prefer to work with Republicans instead of using reconciliation or changing Senate filibuster rules to push through the relief package. But they say they won’t be hampered by Republicans’ use of the supermajority requirement to get things done.

“The American people are calling for help, calling for action and we must respond,” said Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “I hope we can get the cooperation of our fellow Republicans and that they understand the gravity of what the country is facing. But we need all the tools we have. “

Sanders is chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, which could set the stage for using the procedural tool to bypass a GOP filibuster. Using budget reconciliation, Democrats can pass legislation with just 50 votes and Vice President Kamala Harris breaking any tie. Still, there are limits to budget reconciliation – and Biden’s big argument is that he can unite the country and work with Republicans.

There are few takers among Republicans, however, to go as big and bold as Biden wants. And there is even less enthusiasm for doing it now. The senses. Susan Collins of Maine and Mitt Romney of Utah, two Republicans who helped push through the latest bipartisan bill, both indicated this week that Biden should sell them by passing such an important bill now.

“They need to know this is not going anywhere,” said Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) of the Biden administration. “This is not getting anywhere. No, he can’t get 60 votes. “

The Biden administration says it’s the exact opposite. During a press briefing Thursday afternoon, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden “believes this package is designed for bipartisan support.” In addition, some business groups like the American Chamber of Commerce have endorsed his plan.

Collins and Romney are among a group of 16 senators from both parties who are scheduled to meet with the Biden administration over the weekend to begin discussing economic issues. This is just the start of what will likely be a long series of talks with the Senate, which is divided by 50 to 50 and will take weeks to confirm Biden’s cabinet and conduct the impeachment trial of former President Donald. Trump before he can fully turn to Covid relief.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (DN.Y.) has made an aid package one of the Senate’s top three priorities, alongside confirmations and the impeachment trial. On Thursday, he said his new majority faces “the biggest economic crisis since the New Deal 75 years ago, the biggest health crisis in 100 years.”

He and Biden also face a recalcitrant Republican Party that thinks it has already spent too much money.

“We have already donated $ 5 trillion,” said Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.). “It’s too high. It’s too vague … I don’t want to just throw money out there.

Some Democrats recognize that what Biden presents will not be adopted by the Republican Party and say his proposal is only the first step towards a possible compromise with the GOP. The alternative is to abandon bipartisan efforts and try to get the first item on Biden’s legislative agenda unilaterally passed, which could still be a fallback plan.

“Some of the elements will attract very strong bipartisan support,” said Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), A close ally of Biden. “What we need to do is just work hard to find a good principled compromise.”

Matthew Choi contributed to this report.


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