Republicans protest, bypass new metal detectors inside Capitol Hill after riot


WASHINGTON – Several Republican lawmakers complained on – or outright bypassed – the metal detectors to enter the House floor on Tuesday, which were set up by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., after last week’s deadly riot in Capitol.

Ahead of a House vote on Tuesday night calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump from office, Republican members expressed their anger and frustration as they entered the chamber.

Republican representatives. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Steve Stivers of Ohio, Van Taylor of Texas, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Debbie Lesko of Arizona and Larry Bucshon of Indiana, among others, have been seen failing to comply with the police. checkpoints, or have complained about its implementation, according to the press pool and media reports.

Boebert, a newly elected member who swore in a viral video to carry a gun on the Capitol, has been seen in an apparent conflict with police for going through the metal detector.

“I am legally allowed to carry my gun in Washington, DC and the Capitol complex,” she tweeted. “The metal detectors outside the House would not have ended the violence we saw last week – it’s just another political coup from President Pelosi.”

However, members were told, “firearms are only for a member’s office”.

Taylor refused to pass through the metal detector and argued with officers about it, according to Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va.

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., Told officers at the gate “these are bulls —” as he passed through security, pointing out that police were securing the wrong perimeter.

“The threat is not on the inside of the building. You take valuable resources completely where they belong. And you did it without any consultation with the minority. Davis told House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., Outside the House. “Bulls —-.

The new measure has apparently created tensions between some members and the police. GOP Representative Rodney Davis of Illinois aired a dispute between a member and the police as he spoke to reporters on Capitol Hill.

Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., Who survived a shootout at a congressional baseball game in 2017, told reporters the extra layer of security was not needed and criticized Pelosi for having ” prevented “members from voting, and said the change was” never discussed “with the GOP leadership.

Lesko, in a Tweeter, blamed Pelosi.

“In order for members of Congress to enter the United States House floor, we now have to go through intense security measures, in addition to the security that we are already going through,” she said. “These new provisions include searches and being led astray like criminals. We now live in the Communist America of Pelosi!”

On the floor of the House, during arguments on a motion to invoke the 25th Amendment against Trump, Representative Greg Steube, R-Fla, called the metal detectors an “atrocity.”

“Take note of America,” he said. “This is what you should expect in the Joe Biden administration.”

Alex Moe and Haley Talbot reported from Washington and Dartunorro Clark from New York.


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