Republicans strive to contain fallout as donors distance themselves


Republicans are working to contain the fallout as major donors freeze political contributions and distance themselves from lawmakers who voted to overturn the Electoral College results.

House Minority Leader Kevin mccarthyKevin Owen McCarthy McCarthy Won’t Support Efforts To oust Cheney GOP Senators Call for Committee to Investigate Attack on Capitol Hill Here are House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump MORE (R-Calif.), Who voted to reject Arizona and Pennsylvania election votes, called on existing donors trying to calm nerves, saying that – despite the riots on Capitol Hill which were an effort to hamper the power transition – he and his party can work with the new Biden administration.

But many high-profile companies and businesses have indicated that they are in no rush to resume contributions from Republicans who opposed the presidential election results.

McCarthy launched a series of donor appeals on Wednesday, according to several sources. At least one appeal was made up of large, friendly donors who largely did not respond. The chief’s remarks seemed more scripted than improbable. He answered three questions and then had to run to the airport, a source said.

“He’s trying to calm the donors. I think he’s trying to assure them that they want to work with President Biden and the vote doesn’t mean they won’t support Biden’s initiatives, like infrastructure, debt ceiling, COVID relief ” , said a Republican donor.

The companies are targeting the 147 GOP lawmakers who voted to challenge the 2020 election results in Arizona or Pennsylvania last week, even after the deadly attack on Capitol Hill by a pro-Trump mob.

One lobbyist described McCarthy’s pleas to donors: “I would think of it as trying to spin a plane out, trying to level the wings.”

But many companies aren’t just questioning the GOP’s ability to work with Democrats, they are trying to distance themselves from the ugly scenes in Washington last Wednesday.

Comcast was the primary corporate donor for the PAC and McCarthy’s campaign committee, with its individuals and PAC donating $ 87,600 in 2020. The company is now suspending contributions to lawmakers who voted against the election results, saying that the violence on the US Capitol last week was “appalling.”

Blue Cross Blue Shield is also a major donor to McCarthy’s leadership and campaign committee, and his individuals and PAC have given them over $ 62,200. The health insurance giant is now also suspending contributions to lawmakers who “voted to undermine our democracy.”

“I think he’s trying to figure out how to lead in a very difficult circumstance,” the Republican donor said. “He has pressure on the left, he has pressure from the center, he has pressure from the right and his limbs. He’s doing better than anyone could at the conference.

Amazon individuals and PAC companies have donated more than $ 43,100 to PAC and McCarthy’s campaign committee. Now Amazon is suspending donations to lawmakers who voted against the results, calling it “an unacceptable attempt to undermine a legitimate democratic process.”

McCarthy is not the only Republican making calls to try to ease tensions.

Republican lawmakers, both top and bottom, those who voted to overturn the election results and those who did not, have called to feel the mood of corporate donors, multiple sources say .

Republicans are quizzing lobbyists about the temperature of their clients, as the list of companies saying they will not donate to lawmakers who voted against the election results grows.

Lawmakers ask, “What are leaders saying at the top management level?” Do you know what is the posture of your client? Or members call you to explain their reasoning. Nobody called to beg or anything like that, ”one lobbyist said. “They are concerned about a large-scale reaction, but I don’t know if I would use the word panic.”

“A lot of what you hear is that we have to figure out how to heal the country, get through next week and try to figure out how to get back to normal,” the lobbyist said.

Some companies said they have yet to receive calls from lawmakers, saying lawmakers work through lobbyists and fundraisers first.

The greatest financial impact will likely be on the grassroots members who voted to overturn the election results and who do not have a large base of individual donors, ranging from local donors to personal mega donors. GOP leadership and those who do not largely depend on corporate PACs don’t care so much about fallout, sources said.

But Republicans who did not vote to overturn the election results are also frustrated with the situation because of the additional partisanship it could entail, a source said. They, and the Democrats, are also feeling the sting of some companies that completely suspend political donations.

“Many GOP members who did not vote to oppose are just as frustrated as Democrats with the suspension of corporate donations. They fear any sustained retribution from donors, as well as their fellow Democrats, makes it even more difficult for the two parties to work together in a year when many were hoping the tone would improve, ”said one lobbyist.

Traditional resources for campaign contributions to Republicans are also quickly gaining support and criticizing the party leadership.

A generally trusted resource for Republicans, the United States Chamber of Commerce, has pledged not to support certain members in the future.

“There are some members who, by their actions, will have lost the support of the American Chamber of Commerce. Period, ”said Neil Bradley, House policy director, at a press conference Tuesday. He did not specify from whom support was withdrawn, but said House leaders would have “a lot more to say” when they assess the situation.

Ken Langone, Home Depot co-founder, billionaire and longtime Republican mega-donor, said On Wednesday, he felt “betrayed” by Trump and urged Americans to unite so that Biden can be “the most successful president in the history of this country.”

Langone gave $ 1.25 million in 2020 to the Senate Leadership Fund, the super PAC to support a Republican majority in the Senate and $ 600,000 to Americans for Prosperity Action, the network-linked super PAC formed by billionaire conservative donors Charles and David. Koch.

The National Association of Realtors is the largest bipartisan PAC on behalf of a trade association, and in 2020 gave nearly $ 3.6 million to federal candidates and more than 47% to Republicans. The PAC board on Tuesday decided to temporarily suspend federal political disbursements.


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