Republicans to unite in Nov. 3 election and Trump defeat


PHOENIX (AP) – Arizona Republicans have a meeting scheduled for Monday at a downtown Phoenix hotel to discuss the Nov. 3 election and the defeat of President Donald Trump.

The event was billed as an “investigative hearing” featuring members of Trump’s legal team and members of the Arizona Legislature, but key Legislative leaders under scrutiny Republican told The Associated Press that the planned rally was not an official legislative event.

According to a press release from state representative Mark Finchem, R-Oro-Valley, the rally is intended “to hear testimony and view evidence related to allegations of electoral compromises related to the 2020 elections.”

A similar event took place Wednesday in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

No evidence of voting machine fraud or hacking has emerged in this Arizona election.

Five challenges have been filed in the Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix since November 3 and four of them have been dismissed. A first hearing on the fifth is scheduled for Monday, the same day as the hotel event and the state election campaign at the State Capitol.

Among the Trump supporters using social media to publicize the event in Arizona were GOP President Kelli Ward and U.S. Representative Paul Gosar R-Ariz. “I’ll be there,” Gosar said on Twitter.

It was not clear whether Trump’s lawyers would be in Phoenix or address the rally remotely.

On Tuesday, Republican Gov. Doug Ducey admitted for the first time that President-elect Joe Biden won Arizona.

The Arizona Legislature is not in session and Senate Speaker Karen Fann has said neither she nor House Speaker Rusty Bowers has allowed her fellow Republican MPs to hold a hearing at the Arizona House. Capitol on the election.

“So they found an offsite site to hold it,” Fann said.

The planned rally has drawn contempt from some Democrats.

“You might as well organize a parade of boats and call it a legislative hearing. This unauthorized unofficial circus performance will have no bearing or impact on @ JoeBiden’s victory in Arizona, “the Arizona House Democratic Caucus said in its Twitter feed.


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