Resident Evil 3 Remake New Steam Beta Branch Hints at New Update Coming


The Resident Evil 3 remake may receive a new update in the future, as suggested by a new update on the Steam database.

Over the past few days, the game’s Steam entry has been updated with new QA branches that suggest further testing. The latest new branch, which was updated about 8 hours ago at the time of writing, features a TU1 description, which probably stands for Title Update 1. After its release, the game never received an update. , so it will be interesting to see what changes this update brings.

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Despite its brevity, the Resident Evil 3 remake is a worthy entry to the series, as Nate points out in his review.

Resident Evil 3 is the best entry to the action-oriented franchise since the glory days of Resident Evil 4. A beautifully balanced combination of white mayhem and satisfying old-fashioned tension, Resident Evil 3 is pop-up entertainment. compulsively crunchy corn which, unfortunately, wears off too quickly. If you’re looking for good value, there are certainly meatier games out there, but few of them will let you lick your fingers as happily as this one.

The Resident Evil 3 remake is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One worldwide.

  • Up close and personal – An over-the-shoulder camera and modernized control system update the 1999 survival horror classic, drawing players into every bloody and terrifying encounter as they navigate the ruins of the city ​​of raccoons.
  • Get a different perspective on the once-bustling city’s nightmare outbreak of the t virus, a bioweapon developed by the Umbrella Corporation. Jill’s struggle for survival pulls her out of the epidemic and overlaps with the events of Resident Evil 2.
  • Overcome spooky encounters in a battle for survival that increases the intensity of the genre-defining horror game. Breathtaking exploration complements the gripping puzzle solving that fans love.
  • Includes Resistance Resident Evil – this 4v1 asymmetric online multiplayer experience offers both cooperative and competitive gameplay, where players can create their own survival horror experience in the Resident Evil universe.


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