Resident Evil fans gather hope for ports of classic PS1 titles



Capcom will host the Resident Evil Showcase later this week, and fans of the horror franchise are just putting their panties in a twist on the prospect of all three classic PlayStation 1 games being ported to modern consoles. It all comes from a countdown to the franchise’s Twitter account, which started scoring each day before the event with a look back at each main title. Well, all but Resident Evil 0. Thanks to a few interesting differentiators between the original games and the videos Capcom posted on Twitter, some fans feel that we’re on the verge of getting the ports of the original PS1 versions of Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

So far, every post has focused on inventory screens, and eagle-eyed Twitter users are watching the changes between games launched in the 1990s and what Capcom posts on its social media channel. . For example, the Resident Evil 3: Nemesis video below features a much longer inventory section as well as the 25th anniversary badge in the lower right corner.

Due to the way Capcom had proceeded with the countdown to the upcoming Resident Evil Showcase, supporters believed the developer might announce ports for all three classic games. However, they encountered a certain roadblock yesterday as the countdown continued with Resident Evil 4. The general line of thinking now is simply that Capcom is counting down to the digital event by reviewing each major release. That would line up correctly with a Resident Evil Village reveal this Thursday, after all. As cool as such a release is on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, we really doubt it will ever come to fruition.

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