Resident Evil stuntman Milla Jovovich twice denounces producers for "horrific" filming injury


Producers of the last resident Evil Payment, The last chapter, face a lawsuit from a stuntman who suffered "horrible" injuries as a result of a motorcycle accident on the set.

Olivia Jackson, who directed stunts for Milla Jovovich's character, Alice, said that the September 2015 accident was the result of producers "raising financial considerations on safety".

In the complaint, she should have shot a fight scene, but at the last minute she was asked to perform a "dangerous and technically complex motorcycle scene in bad weather", which meant moving quickly towards the camera, which had to be lifted. by a crane before she gets there.

Jackson says the crane operator did not lift him in time. and she collided with the camera, which resulted in her "cutting off the bone of her forearm and tearing the flesh off her cheek, leaving her teeth exposed." She also suffered "catastrophic" wounds, her left arm had to be amputated and she was placed in a medically-induced coma, according to the complaint.

a woman in front of a building

© Courtesy of Sony Pictures

She added that the producers had misled her into thinking that their insurance would cover the injuries sustained during the shooting and the resulting losses, but she only paid $ 33,000. She later learned that there was no liability coverage for her claim.

"If the plaintiff had known of these facts, she would never have agreed to perform The last chapter, or else, would have obtained additional insurance by itself, "states the complaint, which is posted below." She had already won the role of stuntman for a major cast member Wonder Womanand did not need work. "

Now, Jackson says that she will never be able to work in the profession of her choice again, according to her complaint. She claims that The last chapter reported more than 300 million dollars and the resident Evil The franchise has exceeded $ 1.2 billion, but the company is making significant savings in terms of safety. Jackson also notes that team member Ricardo Cornelius was killed during the shooting of the same film and that 16 bottom actors were injured in a previous installment.

Jackson claims that while she was in a coma, her husband was assured that the producers would pay for his medical care and his rehabilitation, but they have since withdrawn the offer.

She is suing Bolt Pictures, Tannhauser Gate, Jeremy Bolt and Paul Anderson, who also directed the film, for breach of contract and misrepresentation and for unspecified damages. The Hollywood journalist reached out to the accused for comment.


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