Residents of long-term care facilities and healthcare workers should get vaccinated first, CDC committee says


“So very quickly, we start to have over 150 million doses per month in March, April, May,” he added. He and other federal officials said the general public could likely be vaccinated by May or June.

The CDC panel was originally not supposed to vote on its recommendations until the FDA approved a vaccine. But that has delayed the timeline for giving more advice to states as they complete their distribution plans, which are due to be submitted to the CDC on Friday.

On Tuesday, the group specifically suggested that within the long-term care population, residents of nursing homes, who tend to be the most frail and most susceptible to Covid, should receive the first vaccines just in case. where there wouldn’t be enough, as well as with staff who haven’t had the virus in the past 90 days.

Within the much broader category of health workers, the panel said health systems should consider prioritizing those who have direct contact with patients and their families and those who handle infectious materials. Dr Nancy Messonnier, who heads the CDC’s National Center for Vaccination and Respiratory Disease, told the panel that, based on her recent conversations with state health officials, most states and big cities “think they can immunize all their health workers within three weeks. . “

But achieving that goal depends on how much vaccine they get and how quickly. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear told reporters on Monday his state had more than 200,000 health workers but would only receive 38,000 doses on his first shipment and may not receive another for two weeks.

Long-term care facilities include nursing homes, with approximately 1.3 million residents; assisted living facilities, with 800,000 residents; and residential care facilities, which tend to be small and cater for specific populations. The federal government has contracted with CVS and Walgreens to deliver vaccines to most of these facilities across the country, with teams of pharmacists making three visits to each to ensure every staff member and resident receives both an initial injection and a booster injection several weeks later.

Several members of the group insisted that small community doctor’s offices not be excluded from the initial priority list. “Transmission dynamics suggest that providers who treat patients earlier in their illness may be at higher risk,” said Dr. Jeffrey Duchin, a member of the public health group in Seattle and County. King in Washington.


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