Respawn has “one or two” people working on fixing the Titanfall hacks.


It’s been a strange time for Titanfall fans lately. The original game has been unplayable for months thanks to a series of hacking attacks by unknown perpetrators. This has led some to counter-hack Apex Legends, Respawn’s other FPS franchise, to express their frustration. It’s not yet clear how long a patch for Titanfall will take, but Respawn Community Coordinator Jason Garza said the studio has “one or two” employees working on the issue.

In a live video posted on June 28, Garza explained why Respawn hasn’t been more articulate about Titanfall hacks, which remain an issue after Respawn patched Apex Legends back to full functionality.

A viewer of Garza’s stream began a comment saying that the Titanfall community “is at its end of the line and feels abandoned.”

“You are not abandoned,” Garza replied. “It’s a Whack-a-mole game with us. The thing is, I don’t mean we’re working on it because, yes, we’re working on it. You can only hear this so many times before it becomes unnecessary. But we’re working on it, it’s just that we can’t say what we’re doing and stuff like that. Now it’s a different kind of game with these people doing DDoS and blacklisting. We cannot wire our movements. We cannot say what we are doing. All I can say is that we are working on it.

“The thing is, we only have one or two people on it because everyone’s on Apex,” Garza continued. “So don’t feel bad. This is something that we are working on. It’s just that these things take time. You can’t just press a button and everything magically sets itself up.

It should come as no surprise that Respawn has to allocate most of its resources to Apex Legends at the expense of Titanfall. The mech shooter is now seven years old, and its beloved sequel only recently launched 16,000 players on Steam after a sale and in-game event where Apex Legends incorporated some Titanfall lore into its ongoing history.

TF Remnant Fleet, “Titanfall’s largest original community,” bears the brunt of community frustration. The group created to help raise awareness of hacking incidents, but the site unexpectedly placed them in the crosshairs of angry gamers who believed they were responsible for the attacks. A TF Remnant Fleet Discord moderator argues that this is not true.

“I would like [to say to] the Apex Legends community, on behalf of the TF Remnant Fleet and the Titanfall community that we are by your side, ”RedShield said in a statement to IGN earlier this month. “We are not behind the recent attacks and have no control over them. , and this is something that we are very familiar with the pain of. We sympathize with you and hope that things can get back to normal soon. At the very least, even if Titanfall isn’t fixed, we hope Apex Legends can, because I know it’s a game that many more people cherish as much as we cherish our game. “

Joseph Knoop is a writer / producer / pilot for IGN.


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